ALERT! Phone System Down: We are experiencing issues with our phone system and do not expect to be restored until Monday, 9/16. If you have any questions about your upcoming appointments, please email: Thank you for your patience.

man looking at insurance paperwork

Insurance and Billing

Insurance Information: Your Records

Please note:

Please be sure to bring your current insurance cards and a photo ID with you to each visit. We will need to keep current copies in your records.

We accept most insurance plans. Most insurance plans and managed care payers have policies that require co-payment at the time of service. You will be responsible for payment of all co-pays and any outstanding balances at the time of visit. If you are covered under an HMO or other managed care plan (Point of Service or PPO) there may be specific coverage limitations. If services are not covered under your insurance plan you are responsible for payment. You will be required to pay for such services at the time of the visit.

You need to have the following to verify coverage prior to making your appointment:

  • Current insurance card – make sure you have your current insurance card (from this year)
  • Active plan – make sure your current insurance plan is active and ask what skin care providers are in your network

We will verify eligibility and benefits:

  • Coverage will vary based on the type of service and provider.
  • If you have an HMO, we will need an active referral for dermatology services.

NOTE: We can verify eligibility and some of your benefits. For all benefit information, reach out to your insurance carrier. Ultimately, you, the patient, are responsible for understanding your insurance coverage and for ensuring your services are covered and/or paid.

Your Healthcare Benefits: Insurance Coverage

If there is any question about our participation with your insurance, please contact our office with your insurance information. We will do our best to help you interpret your healthcare benefits and coverage requirements. However, it is your responsibility to understand which services are covered and which are not covered under your plan and if both our physicians and our outpatient facility participate with your insurance. Likewise, it is your responsibility to identify any coverage changes that may be initiated by your employer or managed care plan. If you have any specific questions, we encourage you to contact your insurance company prior to your appointment. Our billing will include doctors professional fees as well as outpatient surgical facility fees.

If you have difficulties understanding or paying for our services, we encourage you to discuss your problem with our billing office staff.

Please see the insurance and billing policy information below and contact our office if you have any questions.

As a courtesy to you we will bill your insurance carrier if you provide us with complete insurance information. Your insurance policy is a contract between you and your insurance company. We are not a party to that contract. If your insurance company has not paid your account within 30 days, the balance will be assessed to you for payment. You should remit payment within 30 days or contact your insurance company to check the status of the claim. Please notify us immediately upon contacting your insurance company or if there is anything we can do to help settle this claim.

Your Payments: Billing Procedures

We will bill your insurance carrier for you.

You will be asked on your appointment date to pay for services not covered by insurance. This includes deductibles, co-pays, and co-insurance amounts, occasionally office visits and cosmetic procedures. We accept cash, check or credit cards.

Some insurance plans apply separate co-pays for both the office and the outpatient facility. You will be responsible for both.

After 30 days, if insurance has not processed the claim, it will become your responsibility.